Volunteer With Us
Rebuilding this ancient and tight-knit community has been slowed by an array of challenges. Repairs only began in 2023, and having a dedicated team of volunteers is key to fulfilling our mission. If you are willing to donate your time to help us rebuild our homes, please fill out the form below.
Volunteer Creatively

In coastal Massachusetts, a supporter of the Pointe au Chien Indian Tribe's desire to rebuild their community hosted a Benefit Yard Sale and donated all proceeds to PACIT. During the yard sale, visitors had the opportunity to read and talk about this intersectional community and their urgent need to rebuild after Hurricane Ida. Visitors also learned about the FORTIFIED building standard (necessary in very high wind regions) that Pointe au Chien is using and discussed climate-readiness and climate-resilience in the face of frequent extreme climate events -- even well up along the Atlantic seaboard.
Supporters across the nation are creatively volunteering their time and resources to rebuild Pointe au Chien together - you can too! Please reach out with any ideas or questions.